Monday, March 1, 2010


Maybe I should update my blog. It's only been two years. I'm cutting myself some slack though. The past two years have been full of life events. You know the ones they warn you about in high school health class. The ones that rate high on the stress level scale.

The most important life event was, of course, the new roommate. He arrived on August 8th, 2008. Yes, 08/08/2008. More about him later.

We moved twice, husband changed jobs twice, had a baby, traveled cross country by myself with the baby, one dog passed away and the other moved to a new family, and on and on.

There is no way I would have thought that my life would be like it is today when I wrote my first blog post. There was so much uncertainty and fear. Now, I still have some uncertainty and fear, but it's different. Much different.

So, I guess I shall be posting with some regularity now. I need the outlet. I'm by myself a lot now and I get lonely. This could be the outlet I need to help keep me sane and engaged with the world. We'll see.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Alien Ultrasound

Here is the latest and greatest pic of Frank the Fetus. (Frank being short for Frances or Francesca). This was at 8 weeks and 2 days.

Nine and a Half Weeks.

The title sounds much more salicious than the reality.

I am now nine weeks pregnant. Nine and a half just worked better for the title :)

We had our first ultrasound last week and it was both fascinating and creepy. We saw the little heartbeat, the little spine, the big head. Who knew that something so small could cause so much mild misery.

The naseau. The indigestion. The fatigue. In these few short weeks we've been together, I have learned a lot about you. You don't like garlic. Or at least you don't want me to like garlic anymore. You don't like chicken. Or really any meat of any sort. PETA would be proud. You like pancakes, small cinnamon donuts, sesame noodles, and cucumbers. You also like cold food. That must come from your father. I don't like cold food when I'm on my own. EVER.

Speaking of your father, his genes are terribly strong. Whereas people in my family look similar (the related ones anyway), Moser's look like each other. The hair, the eyes, the smiles, the faces. I'm not sure if they see it (maybe not....seen each other their whole lives), but as an outside observer, wow....

Fortunately they are a good looking lot. Not an ugly one in the bunch. And they have all their teeth. One day you will thank me. Unless you wanted to be tall. You probably won't be tall. When I say tall, I am thinking tall like my brother (over 6'3). If you are a boy, be happy with 5'11. A girl, be estatic if you get to 5'7.

More on this later.